Awani Review

Complete News World

“So that the French flag shines, let’s support our exceptional researchers!”

“So that the French flag shines, let’s support our exceptional researchers!”

TRIBUNE – The decline of French scientific research in the field of biology and health concerns the co-founder of the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation and the President of the International Scientific Council *.

Scientific advances and an understanding of living organisms are essential to understanding major health risks and acting effectively when they occur. Fundamental research makes it possible to manipulate all the mechanisms of living organisms: the work of the human being, of course, but also the work of other living organisms, especially those with which it interacts. Knowledge of these phenomena then allows the development of therapeutic solutions.

To meet these challenges, research needs the freedom to express its creativity and potential for innovation. The fields of experiments are endless, because living things are complex and evolved. The paths of research are unpredictable and great discoveries often turn on unexpected paths. Only calm and open research, conducted in the long term, far from impatience but highly understandable, makes it possible to advance in the face of disease or disability to offer therapeutic approaches.

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