WhatsApp has started adding artificial intelligence to its app. It should change the way you use messages! Here's everything you...
Do you use a traditional search engine when searching for information online or does your first instinct become a social...
On January 19, 2019, little Paul's life changed, and the lives of his parents left him behind. The two-year-old had...
It's a phenomenon we've all experienced: we touch the body of our smartphone and it's hot to the touch, even...
This is a press release sent by Microsoft on March 25, 2024: “Microsoft Canada published on March 25, 2024 the...
As part of a citizen science project, about fifty volunteers helped detect minor earthquakes from their garden in Montreal. Seismologist...
Are you tired of your personal data being at everyone's mercy? Samsung Galaxy gives you a range of security and...
First Date: 7 Tips - MaCommunaute.ca Become a member of MaCommunaute.ca Publish content and contribute to the development of your...
Martin Freeman has revealed that he has decided to ditch his vegan diet and is "trying to eat less processed...
After versions 1.25 and 2.0, the source code for MS-DOS v4.0 has just been published online under the MIT License...