WhatsApp has officially increased the group message limit to 512 members from 256 previously. It is enough to organize the...
Microsoft releases Windows 11 Insider Preview build 25136 to the Dev Channel. This release adds tabs and improves navigation in...
Microsoft has released a new version of Notepad. This update comes through the Windows Insider Program. It targets computers running...
Google has just released the third public beta of Android 13, which is stable enough for developers to enter the...
To fit in with its competitors, TikTok has just launched a new fun function. You can now create an animated,...
publishedJune 8, 2022, 10:09 pmThe short video app has launched similar functions to Apple's Snapchat's Bitmojis and Memojis.The new feature...
Apple has published a list of smartphones and tablets that will not be compatible with iOS 16. As expected, the...
It looks like a stolen trailer for the next Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 video game has been leaked!To...
Planning your next family vacation, or residence? According to the research he collected family vacation guideVancouver ranks ninth in the...
We have to believe GoldenEye 007 won't stop talking about it, at least its remaster. After being an open secret...