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The eruption caused waves to go beyond the limits of space

The eruption caused waves to go beyond the limits of space

The eruption of the Hongga Tonga-Hung Hapai volcano on January 15, 2022 is unique because we have modern monitoring systems. It created waves revolving around the Earth and reached 100 kilometers per hourionosphere (The ionosphere is a region of the atmosphere located between the mesosphere and …).

Honga volcano Tonga (The Kingdom of Tonga is a country in Polynesia, in the Pacific Ocean, in …) erupt.
© Tonga Geological Services

led by researchers fromHammam University (The University of Bath (University of Bath) is an English university located in …)With contributions from researchers from LATMOS, the study published in the journal Nature . combines data (In information technology (IT), data is an initial description, often…) satellite and comments (Observation is the act of vigilantly following phenomena, without the will to see them…) on Earth to study the effects of this extraordinary eruption, both in terms of its size and magnitude Speed (distinguish 🙂 only by scope waves (A wave is the propagation of a disturbance that results in a reverse change in its path…) The forces of gravity and the atmosphere that created it. The eruption produced a column of Gas (A gas is a group of weakly bonded atoms or molecules and…) which extended to more than 50 km above space (Surface generally refers to the surface layer of an object. The term A…) subordinate a land (Earth is the third planet in the solar system in order of distance…). The the heat (In everyday language, the words heat and temperature often have an equivalent meaning: …) issued byWater (Water is a chemical compound found everywhere on Earth, essential to everyone…) Hot ash is the largest source of waves gravity (Gravity is one of the four fundamental interactions of physics.) on the ground within 12 hours (Time is a unit of measure 🙂 who followed him. According to the notes Satellites (Satellite may refer to:)these waves extended to everything (All is understood as all that exists most often as the world or …) Pacific Basin. At the surface level, the waves circled the Earth at least six times and reached speeds close to their theoretical maximum – the fastest ever observed in our universe. atmosphere (The word atmosphere can have several meanings:)320 m the second (The second is the feminine of the second adjective, which comes immediately after the first or which…).

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Cathy Clairbaugh, Researcher at CNRS (The National Center for Scientific Research, better known by the acronym CNRS, is the largest…) based Sorbonne (The Sorbonne is a huge complex in the Latin Quarter of Paris. It takes its name from…) University (The university is an institution of higher education whose goal is…) (Latmus) and her student Marie Bouillon, are among the authors who have done so Submitted (The Foúrnoi Korséon (Greek: Φούρνοι…) Data to analyze the impact of this Big Bang on the atmosphere: “This is the first time we have measured such atmospheric disturbances using an IASI sounder on board satellites. I’m up (METOP is a family of three working meteorological satellites in polar orbit…). Huge amounts ofsea ​​water (Sea water is salt water from the seas and oceans of the Earth). It evaporated during the eruption and reached directly to stratosphere (The stratosphere is the second layer of the Earth’s atmosphere, located above…). The waves generated by the eruption are clearly visible on satellite images and noticeably and visually affect atmospheric temperatures, even low. to rise (Height is the vertical height of a place or object with respect to some level…) About 50 km”.

The Hongja Tonga eruption represents an important natural experiment in how the atmosphere responds to a sudden change in condition Caused by (A motor is an electromagnetic device in general used in electrical engineering that is responsible for…) Through a point source, which will be useful for improving weather and climate models.

Results obtained by Aslam IASI.
© Marie Boualon

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Wright, CJ, Hindley, NB, Alexander, MG et al. Atmospheric waves from surface to space from the eruption of the Hong Tonga – Hong Hapai volcano. temper nature (2022).

Cathy Clearbox – Atmosphere, Environments, Laboratory of Space Meteorology (LATMOS) / ECCE Tera (Terra (plural terrae) is a word of Latin origin referring to earth, earth. Used…)[email protected]

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