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The history of the bridge is displayed in the cultural space

The history of the bridge is displayed in the cultural space

Chatillon-sur-Loire. The history of the bridge is displayed in the cultural space.. A few days after closing 46 And Spring Arts Gallery, in honor of Margarida of Las, the cultural space of Châtillon-sur-Loire hosts, for four weeks, the exhibition “The History of Our Bridge”.

Wishing to take advantage of the recent opening to rehabilitate the building, under the management’s judgment, several actors joined forces to present the animation in order to realize the evolution of the site’s evolution throughout history.

Guy Prussian asserts: “Until the first construction of the bridge, inaugurated in April 1841, Châtillon, which was nevertheless a strategic crossroads of the axes of Cher Nord-Yonne and Orléans-Sancery, was landlocked.”

Tribute to Marie-Noelle Legion

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A historian and president of Castellio, a local history association, says the crossing of the Loire was done by fairly fast and solid boats. “On the initiative of the mayor at the time, François Chambolt, who was a great visionary, the municipality summoned the services of the engineer Marie-Noel Legon, who appealed to the authorities to build a suspension bridge, continued. The decision was made in July 1938 and at the request of the villagers the building would bear the name of its architect. »

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Castillo designed a plaque in honor of Marie-Noel Lejeune during the latest inauguration of the rehabilitation work, “Without returning from management yet,” Guy Prussian laments. The latter was based on the important photographic work of Pierre-Marie Dagot, a resident of Chatillonnais, who doubled up on shots during the last construction site, allowing a chronological presentation of the history of the bridge.

In addition to the exhibition itself and the painting, Guy Prussian will lead the following conference: “Un pont à Châtillon? To do what? This meeting will take place on Friday 20 May from 6:30 pm at the Social and Cultural Centre.

Practice. The exhibition “The History of Our Bridge” will be held in the cultural space of Châtillon-sur-Loire from 30 April to 29 May. Opening hours: from Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm. Information on or [email protected].