WhatsApp has officially increased the group message limit to 512 members from 256 previously. It is enough to organize the next surprise birthday for your loved one with a few more people than expected.
For a few weeks, some beta testers had the opportunity to add up to 512 people to the group The WhatsApp (Hopefully there are more than 512 to test the functionality thoroughly), on Android, iOS and desktop. WABetaInfothe online media specialized in this instant messaging service, reveals that the feature is being rolled out to everyone in the latest version of the app. Double the maximum number of members in a group on WhatsApp, which therefore goes from 256 to 512.
Up to 512 people per group chat, welcome to Flood
This expansion of the maximum number of members in a WhatsApp group was rolled out with the June 6 update ( on Android). as such WABetaInfoWe were able to check the versions iOS And the robot That the limit has already been increased to 512. If you want to check it yourself, you can just try to create a new group chat and when selecting members, the maximum number will be shown.
No need for a trial anymore, so everyone can enjoy it beforehand. but WABetaInfo specifies that “This feature has been released to almost all users today and will be available to everyone within 24 hoursIf you don’t have it yet, make sure you have the latest version of the app.
WhatsApp continues the series of improvements, or at least updates and novelties. Meta mail service is working on The device is multibut also Feedback on pictures or on Edit messages after sending.
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