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The Omigron variant soon dominated the UK: how quickly did it establish itself?

The Omigron variant soon dominated the UK: how quickly did it establish itself?

The Omigron variant soon dominated the UK: how quickly did it establish itself?

Contaminants – According to the British government, the omigron variant of Covit-19 could dominate the UK within days. How quickly did he win?

The Omigron variant continues to shake the planet. Originally detected in South Africa and now around the world, this mutation continues to plague authorities. On Sunday, December 12, the British registered more than 3,000 cases of this variation, an increase of 65% in 24 hours. Importantly, according to the UK government, this will become a major issue in a few days.

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Omigron variant: the planet that is vigilant

However, its discovery across the channel was not many weeks old. The first two cases registered in the UK were officially registered on November 27, two weeks ago. But the number of lined-up positive tests is low. According to scientists, the Omigron variant is actually in greater territory than the delta.

Cases are on the rise in the UK

Since the end of last month, the number of Govt-19 cases across the channel has also been on the rise. On Monday, November 29, 42,874 positive tests were recorded, followed by 51,746 the following Monday. Or a 20% increase. On Friday, December 10, the United Kingdom detected 58,527 cases in 24 hours, the highest ever heard since January 9th. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson also spoke “Tsunami” The future.

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In France, the Omigron variant did not officially land in the territory until December 2nd. To date, several hundred cases have been reported, which confirms the increased epidemiology of this mutation, even though the delta variant still contains more than 97% of the contaminants. But according to the National Health Insurance Fund, the number of Omicron cases could actually be in the thousands: as of December 9, more than 1% of new cases are suspected to be related to this variant.

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