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The Polytechnic team is preparing for the Hyperloop Pod . competition

The Polytechnic team is preparing for the Hyperloop Pod . competition

The project, which was launched in January 2020, will not be completed for several months, but a floating Hyperloop capsule is being formed for a team of Polytechnic students.

It’s called a small capsule, so no one goes into the capsule by volume. We’re talking about 80 inches long, about fifteen inches and thirty inches wide. It’s very small, but it’s the format that most teams around the world use. The only goal really is to push technology to the extreme.Explains François Carrier, of the Poly Lube project at the Polytechnic Montreal.

The team, made up of about fifty futuristic engineers in five different fields, hopes to participate in the next edition of the Hyperloop Pod competition, which is supposed to take place in the summer of 2022, in California, and where the best hyperloop models are in America.

We use a linear induction motor and with this motor we hope the capsule will go over 300kph for about a kilometer., Determines.

American billionaire Elon Musk became famous with the technology of the Hyperloop train a decade ago.

Principle: Using electromagnetic thrust to lift and propel the passenger capsule at a very high speed, at more than 1,000 kilometers per hour, into a low-pressure tube.

Polyloop project modeling

project modeling

Photo: Polyloop project website مشروع

The Hyperloop system uses only electric power and can be powered by solar panels placed on top of the tube, highlights a note from the project’s website.

According to Mr. Carrier, this is the solution And it is sustainable and environmental, because it is 100% electric, so it can allow intercity transportation and intercity distances quickly, but greatly reduce the environmental impact of transportation.

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For polytechnic students, developing a prototype for a hyperloop train is a very complex task. But in the medium term, they hope to encourage the development of Quebec’s first model.

We start from absolutely nothing, we were a team a year ago of a few students and it’s a new technology, so there isn’t a lot of literature and research done on this technology. We have to learn everything by ourselves, says Francois Carrier.

The project has about fifteen partners.

Hyperloop: the train of the future?

With information from Norman Grunden