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The sun triggers intense sunlight causing radio darkening in Asia and Australia – Reuters

The sun triggers intense sunlight causing radio darkening in Asia and Australia – Reuters

The sun emitted an intense amount of sunlight, causing radio darkness in some parts of Asia and Australia. According to the U.S. Space Weather Forecast Center (SWPC), sunlight peaked in late April 17 at 03:34 GMT (09:04 IST), followed by a massive solar flare called coronal mass ejection a few minutes later, according to . The eruption was recorded as an X1.1-class solar storm and lasted about 34 minutes, SWPC officials said. According to the SWPC, the eruption originated from regions 2994 and 2993, a group of active sunspots that have experienced “significant eruptions” since their appearance in the eastern part of the Sun.

“Solar activity is expected to pick up next week as these sunspots move across the visible disk,” the company said in an update.

The SWPC stated that the solar flare caused a brief radio malfunction and, according to the report, was classified as a Type II solar radio explosion.

“The pulse of X-rays from the eruption created a strong short-wave radio blackout in Southeast Asia and Australia,” said NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory.

“Sailors, pilots and amateur radio operators may have noticed unusual diffusion effects at frequencies below 30 MHz,” he added.

Chronographic images from the Solar and Heliospheric Laboratory (SOHO) confirm that the eruption threw a CME into space.

Researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which oversees the SWPC, have determined that CME’s orbit will orbit the Earth behind our planet in its orbit around the Sun, according to

“Such eruptions are caused by shock waves at the leading edges of CMEs,” said astronomer Tony Phillips. Phillips said the eruption occurred in the Far East and the coronal mass emission it formed was not directed toward Earth.

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X-Class Solar Flares are the most powerful type of solar storms. Weak solar flares Class A, Class B and C storms are also relatively mild.

More powerful and higher M-Glass storms can supercharge the Earth’s Aurora Borealis, while powerful X-Glass storms pose a danger to satellites and astronauts in orbit when they are directed directly at Earth.

The latest solar flares follow the X1.3-class solar storm on March 30 and in recent weeks many C-class and M-class burns from different solar point regions follow, the report said.

The Sun is currently in the acute phase of its 11-year solar meteorological cycle and the current cycle is known as the 25th solar cycle that began in 2019.

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