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Things your business needs in 2022

Things your business needs in 2022

A lot has happened in the world over the last three years. Covid-19 has had a major impact on the way we live life, and as a result, also on the way in which we conduct business. The many Covid restrictions put in place had a direct effect on workplaces and how employees were to conduct themselves. It also put a new norm into place: work from home.

This is now a widely known phenomenon, and even has its own abbreviation, ‘WFH’. Job listings will even mention if they offer work from home, and whether or not it is a requirement. Many specialists seem to think that work from home has many benefits and is here to stay. This prompts us to look at what business owners may want to think about for their businesses in the year 2022, when many restrictions have been lifted, but apparently, new Covid-19 trends have imprinted themselves on our workplace activities.

Portable screens and keyboards

If your business sees the value of WFH, then you may want to consider investing in the proper gear required to allow this for your employees. Even if you are applying a more hybrid work model, in which employees alter between working from home and at the office, this will apply to you.

Portable screens and keyboards are necessary for the best work from home experience. Your employees’ physical health may in fact be compromised if they do not have a proper screen and keyboard at hand when they are working from home, or from the office. So naturally, you will need to invest in screens and keyboards that can easily be transported between the office and the homes of your fellow employees.

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Top-notch platforms and software

If your business is centered on customer service, or has a customer service department, it is absolutely imperative that you have the best platforms for your employees to make use of. As mentioned, Covid taught us to be practical and to do everything from behind screens.

A lot of time unfortunately gets wasted if your systems, software and platforms are not functioning properly or providing the most optimal services. This workflow platform provides a quick fix for your customer service department. It not only saves you time, but also money. And that is because it literally optimizes and automates work processes where possible. You can even try it before you commit to it.

Sanitizing stations and products

If your employees are returning to the office, either full-time or part-time, Covid did teach us that hygiene is important in providing the spread of bacteria and viruses to and from each other. It would therefore be common courtesy for business owners by now to have sanitizing stations all over the office.

What you can also consider, however, is to go the extra mile. Provide plastic gloves for your employees to grab their lunch with from the lunch buffet, and have sanitizing napkins available at each desk, so that employees can quickly and effectively clean their working stations for the next person using them.