Awani Review

Complete News World

This is France that resists the mill of the far right

This is France that resists the mill of the far right

We see it in France with the second round of elections on Sunday: the black mouse of the left calls on its arch enemy, the white mouse of the far left, and they join the liberal gray mouse in a big anti-cat suit. I am talking of course about this growing cat from Marine Le Pen's National Rally party.

Yes mI Le Pen has a very broad and expansive back, so much so that we witness the unlikely reconciliations between his opponents.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, as the saying goes.

Everything is allowed to ward off the far-right mill!

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The term “extreme right”, in the case of a democratic party like the National Rally, is nothing but a play on words.

In Canada, the United States, and almost everywhere else on Earth, if a foreign national commits a crime and is sent back to his or her home country, it is a given. No one screams about the far right.

According to this statistic, almost every country in the world is far-right. We happily apply this label only to France.

As for the “populism” of the National Front, it is a popular reaction to the bloated French bureaucracy that is intruding on and weakening the country.

The National Alliance will win…sooner or later.

If the issues of bloodsucking bureaucracy and uncontrolled immigration (with the bonus of Islamism) had been addressed by the elites for thirty years, there would be no national assembly now.

On the other hand, as we allowed these situations to fester, we allowed the cat to gain weight.

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The alliance of anarchists (unwanted) who are grouped with Islamists, eco-bohemians, money-loving neoliberals, and a motley crew of immigration and bureaucracy deniers will probably further derail the cat's path… temporarily.

In the end, the National Party will win. Maybe not this Sunday. But its opponents will continue to pave its way…more and more royalist!