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This is the happiest hobby, according to science

This is the happiest hobby, according to science

Do you feel empty inside you? Is there a need to block it, or simply a constant drop in speed giving your scene a little gray filter? It is happening. When everything is going badly, we go into a depression, sometimes take medication, or more simply, go outside to get some fresh air, adopt regular physical activity to increase our dopamine, or refocus ourselves through psychological or manual activity. For a change from these great classics, research has just revealed that the most effective pastime for improving your mental health: simply helping others.

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Bonus for the brain

Volunteering will be real Game changer aspect of mental health. According to Suzanne Albers, a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic, PsyD, several studies prove this. It has been shown to reduce levels of stress, depression, and anxiety and improve your overall health and life satisfaction., she explained. because of ? When we take an action to help someone, it activates the reward center in our brain and releases serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. Study published in Journal of Happiness Studies It revealed that people who volunteered at least once a month reported better mental health than participants who volunteered rarely or not at all — and those who reported poorer mental health before volunteering. They saw their condition improve dramatically.

Not only will volunteering strengthen social bonds, but it will also create a sense of community. It will allow you to live different experiences, provide a purpose in life, occupy your time effectively, meet new people or maintain a positive state of mind. “I like to sit at the end of the day and feel like I’ve done something constructive and useful.”said one of the volunteers at Mary’s Meals, who lives in Belfast Huffington Post. “It made me more aware and feel like it’s not just about me. It made me more grateful for what I already have.”said another volunteer.

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A professional asset

A good hobby for his mental health, but also for his career. Giving your time to others allows you to gain a range of new skills and human qualities (listening, adaptability, teamwork, empathy). the 2022 Scale of Social Engagementproduced by the Doers of Commitment group, reveals that volunteerism tends to facilitate professional integration.

According to a survey conducted, one in two people believe they have made useful contacts in their professional network through their volunteer activity. More than a third of respondents claim to have found their professional passion through their union experiences. As for people looking for work, 43% revealed that volunteering opened up new career horizons for them. Ditto for students, for whom this is an interesting experience to include on their CV. Nearly three-quarters of them indicate that they value it during their job interviews. So, shall we begin?

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