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This new solar system amazes scientists

This new solar system amazes scientists

Since the dawn of time, man has looked up to the sky and tried to discover its many secrets. With the advancement provided by technology, Scientists Able to observe further within the confines of infinite space. The latest discovery is arousing the interest of the scientific community.

Space: a big new discovery

If it is true that “In space, no one will hear you scream“, as the poster’s hook reminds usAlien, Eighth Passenger By Sir Ridley Scott, we are convinced of that The joy of the team gathered around Professor Raphael Locke (University of Chicago) must have been clearly heard after the remarkable discoveryDetails of which were revealed in the magazine’s columns nature.

Indeed, the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Cheops mission made it possible to discover a solar system that is, to say the least, amazing: Located within a hundred light-years of our blue planet – or “next door” to astrophysicists – six planets very close together orbit the star HD110067.. This solar system visible from mainland France and hidden in Berenice’s poetry is a rarity in itself: in fact, according to Raphael Locke’s interpretations in natureSolar systems containing six or more planets are far from common; There are barely ten listed.

Solar system

The report also indicates that all six planets in this system are very close to their star; All orbits will be located in the orbit of Mercury (the planet closest to our sun).. In addition, the orbits of each of these planets (named B, against, Dr, H, F f) It will be “in echo”: when against He makes two cycles of his star, B Actually three, when Dr Makes two turns against Actually three, etc

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It is very rarely observed, These “resonant” orbits may be due to the fact that this solar system has not changed much since its creation More than a billion years ago. Therefore, it can be allowed to be monitored by the scientific community Better understanding of the evolution of solar systems over time.

Solar system

Moreover, we really noticePlanetary alignment“, if you’ll excuse this questionable word: in fact, The star HD110067 turned out to be particularly bright, compared to another star in the heart of the resonant orbital configuration. This peculiarity of HD110067 will benefit the scientific community ever since Observation of this solar system will be facilitated.

We can therefore understand the excitement generated by this major discovery, which could have very beneficial consequences for our understanding of the universe. If you liked this article, feel free to check out these recent discoveries about Saturn.

Written by Gaetan Desrois

Hello, I’m Gaetan. I have a master’s degree in modern languages, and I am a huge fan of popular culture. I have a particular passion for 80s and 90s culture. I’m a great reader, I’m also a movie buff and I eat cerevor (a very balanced diet!). Passionate about the Middle Ages, and I’m a huge fan of fantasy. Other than that, I like Korean cinema, Japanese literature, British series, and comics. Oh, I forgot: to find out if there’s wind, you have to put your finger up the back of the rooster.