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Torcheville swamp, a sensitive natural area in the Saulnois region

Torcheville swamp, a sensitive natural area in the Saulnois region

Why Torcheville swamp? Re-create suitable wetlands, environments and habitats for animals and plants

Let’s listen to Laurent Friche accompanied by Clémence Ricochon from the Rhin-Meuse water agency, and Jean-David Visconti and Thierry Duval from the Ecolor design bureau, specialists in the management of natural environments.

“The municipality mobilized to revive the collective marsh. After a management plan was drawn up, work was carried out with the aim of improving the hydraulic performance of the site and allowing it to recover its capacity to absorb biodiversity.”

Report from the Rhine-Muse Water Agency:

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News World Wetlands Day (WWD) is celebrated every year on February 2 to celebrate the signing of the Convention Wetlands Conventionon February 2, 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar.

Thursday, February 2, 2023 topic There is an urgent need to restore the wetlands!
It continues to disappear all over the world, even though it is one of the most useful ecosystems for responding to the crises – climate, water, biodiversity – that we are currently experiencing.

Useful Links :

Wetland Preservation and Preservation, Torcheville Swamp
Wetland Preservation and Preservation, Torcheville Swamp
Laurent Frisch
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