A few weeks ago, rumors circulated about iOS 16. The new mobile operating system will already be a statement Marking the WWDC on June 6th. For the first time since the start of the pandemic, there will be human warmth and a little crowd with a group of developers invited for the occasion.
Many developments coming on WatchOS?
In her newsletter Power On Bloombergwho is often well-versed, journalist Mark Gorman has just touched on the topic of iOS 16. He says he expects big changes this year, especially new ways of interacting with the smartphone or the emergence of new Apple apps.
However, users shouldn’t have such a great impression of modernity by moving to iOS 16. With good reason, insiders believe the aesthetics will still be very similar to those in iOS 15.
In the newsletter, Mark Gorman also wrote a few words about watchOS 9 with important new features that he didn’t detail. Anyway, we only have a few weeks to wait before we can verify these claims.
As usual, you will be able to follow the June 6 keynote with us and we will not fail to return to the various announcements from Apple. From here you can find our post Which determines which smartphones will be compatible with this new version of iOS.
Written by: Keleops AG
“Hardcore beer fanatic. Falls down a lot. Professional coffee fan. Music ninja.”
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