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Towards recognition of state responsibility

Towards recognition of state responsibility


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Condemning homosexuality: Towards recognition of state responsibility -

Condemning Homosexuality: Toward Recognition of State Responsibility

Condemning homosexuality: Towards recognition of state responsibility – (France 2)

An article he wrote

France 2 – J. Wilde, J. Poissonnier, C. Sinz, C. Laronce, A. DuPont, X. Romaine, M. Anglade, B. Ozette, K. Johnson

Televisions France

From 1942 to 1982, 10,000 people were convicted for their sexual orientation in France. The Senate has just recognized state responsibility. It was a necessity for associations fighting homophobia.

It often takes just a few photos to bring back memories… Bernard Bosset was hounded because he was gay, at a time when such orientations could land him in prison. The Senate has just recognized state responsibility until 1982 for this discrimination, but without voting on compensation. “It’s not the amount that can fix mistakes. It’s simply saying: ‘We made a mistake.’”Bernard Bossuet confirms. He was 23 when an evening with a young boy brought him to court.

“must be done”

At trial, he was insulted and sentenced to a heavy fine. His ruling is published in a local newspaper. “Since then I have been ashamed. I arrived with this sign (…): “I was a delinquent. I was sick””Bernard Bossuet testifies. Likewise, between 1942 and 1982, more than 10,000 people were convicted.

The draft law aims to rehabilitate them. “We have to do this while there are still people alive. Tell these victims: We heard you. We respect you and express the nation’s regret.”“, points out PS Senator Hussein Borji. Until 1992, the French state classified homosexuality as a mental illness. For associations fighting homophobia, recognition of the state’s role in this discrimination was essential.

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