Awani Review

Complete News World

Turns the page: Guy A. Lepage teams up with Damien Robitaille for this hilarious cover

Turns the page: Guy A. Lepage teams up with Damien Robitaille for this hilarious cover

Damien Robitaille has managed to enhance the isolation of many Quebecers for a year by offering every day an interpretation of a well-known song on the Internet. The artist, who did not skimp on time and quality, surprised more than one with his attractive proposals, even winning international acclaim. This Cover It remains to this day our favorite!

Guy A. Lepage, for his part, has made us laugh for weeks by introducing his classic music tracks straight out of the shower. His biggest fan also happens to be Vincent ValierWho had fun chats with him on the web.

Damien Robitaille decided to invite Guy A. Lepage to his project, for a unique performance of the song “Tourne la Page” by Natalie and René Simard. From his bathroom, Guy A. Lepage gave the musical response to Damien Robitaille and we dare you not to laugh …

Jay A. LiBAG: By popular demand (!)

Damian and Me.

The music world had better notice! »

See the fun result below.

This lightness definitely contrasts with the end of a season Everyone is talking about it Which would be tough for Jay A. Labag and his team. He learned with dismay, and with all of us, the grave accusations against one of the show’s producers. His reaction here was to address the news published by the Journal de Montreal that unfortunately implicated him.

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