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Two cubs are worth their weight in gold

Two cubs are worth their weight in gold

Kraft surprised consumers this week by announcing the retirement of Cibliha. However, the food company announced on Friday that it was all just an April Fool’s joke.

• Read also: April Fools’ Day: Kraft Bear Cubs Haven’t Retired

• Read also: Retirement time for the cubs of Kraft

In an interview with TVA Novels, Professor in the Department of Communications at the University of Ottawa, Luke DuPont, noted the importance of this personal duo to the peanut butter brand.

They alone allow Kraft to stand out from the competition and earn millions of dollars.

“What’s the difference between no-name, house-branded peanut butter, and Kraft peanut butter? I’m right in your point: It’s basically these two little bear cubs. It’s that simple,” says Luke DuPont.

Ce dernier précise que si Kraft s’était départie des oursons, elle aurait du même coup perdu son identité et plusieurs consommateurs se seraient sans doute vers le beurre d’arachides le moins cher, plutôyt all qued le most popular.

“We’ve long believed that humans are rational creatures. What we’ve known in marketing for years, if not decades, is that we are essentially emotional creatures,” says Luke DuPont.

A professor in the Department of Communications at the University of Ottawa recalls that in a grocery store, there are generally 10,000 to 20,000 products. However, the consumer does not know much of it and, in the end, only sees a few dozen of them. And for Luc Dupont, it’s the logo and brand image that make the difference between a product that’s seen and one that’s completely ignored.

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Moreover, the marketing expert adds that Kraft’s April Fools’ Day is an excellent marketing move.

By falsely announcing the Cubs’ departure, Kraft created an interaction with several netizens who professed their love for the Monday mascot.

It worked, because we talked about it a lot in the media. It was launched on social media platforms, picked up by traditional media. All of this is a low-cost vision,” says Mr. Dupont.

To see the full interview, watch the video above.