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Uber: Find out what Quebecers are forgetting about in cars

Uber: Find out what Quebecers are forgetting about in cars

Everyone loses things, whether it’s at school, at the park, or even an Uber. From the most forgotten to the most bizarre, the Quebec Uber Index lets you see what customers leave behind, now that the app is ubiquitous across the province.

Here are the 10 most forgotten items:

1. Linen

2. Bag

3. Cellular

4. Headphones

5. Jewelry

6. Wallet

7. Computer

8. Watch

9. Vaper

10. Parachute

Here are the five most surprising:

White stools

• Tupac’s photo

A whole chicken

• Blue windmill

• A guitar

Here are the five cities where forgetfulness is most common as a proportion of races:

1. Gatineau

2- Sherbrooke

3. Three rivers

4. Quebec

5. Montreal

Sundays at 6:00 p.m. are the most missed, according to the index. Throughout the year, January 1st is the most productive for drivers.

Here’s how to recover lost items from your Uber:

• Go to the “Your Races” tab and select the respective race.

• Click on ‘Find a forgotten object’ and then ‘Contact my drivers about a forgotten object’.

• Enter a phone number where you can be reached immediately (your own or a friend’s number) and click “Submit”.

• Our system will immediately call you at this number and will contact you, anonymously, with your driver.

• If the driver responds and confirms that they have indeed found your item, you can arrange a mutually convenient place and time to collect your item.

• If the driver does not answer, leave a detailed voice message describing your purpose and the best way to contact you next.

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