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VIDEO – Core Group, President Ariel Henry, offers to contact the signatories of the ‘Louisiana Agreement’, announces General Honoré in his final address.

VIDEO – Core Group, President Ariel Henry, offers to contact the signatories of the ‘Louisiana Agreement’, announces General Honoré in his final address.

Since the dawn of history, the fate of Haiti has ended. But what is the result?

Monday January 17, 2022 (( – Dr. Will Ariel Henry soon have to delete or rephrase his tweet in which he indicated in strong ink? There is no legal or constitutional way to choose a legitimate interim presidentThe famous neurosurgeon does not know that self-denial means the disintegration of the ego.

The ambassadors of the United States, Canada and France accredited to Haiti, constitute the core group’s framework”, The largest political party in the country‘, according to Senator Joseph Lambert, have a say in Uniform Louisiana Convention, which was sharply criticized on Monday by the de facto prime minister, Dr. Ariel Henry, without referring directly to the document.

« The ambassadors of the United States, Canada and France agree to hold a virtual conference with the signatories of the Louisiana AgreementGeneral Russell Honoré declared that delegates had warmly praised during this announcement.

Honoré concluded that a State Department representative who had so far supported the unproductive Ariel Henry regime, unable to combat the country’s insecurity, “would reach out to Baton Rouge.

Note that, according to two of the newspaper’s Rezo Nòdwès collaborators, on site in Baton Rouge, the question of choosing two personalities to lead a potential de-facto government in Haiti was presented to delegates at the last minute of Saturday evening. .