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Viewed from space, the energy imbalance on Earth is getting worse

Viewed from space, the energy imbalance on Earth is getting worse

Some still believe that the global warming we are seeing is the result of some natural fluctuation. But new work now shows that it is greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are upsetting the Earth’s energy balance.

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god tr It is well oiled a priori. she receivesenergy, the Sun light. And to maintain a certain balance, she also thinks about it. Through her clouds, her oceans, her ice peaks and even his lands. But in recent decades, the mechanism seems to be stalled. the light Keep streaming to us from SoleilBut the Earth doesn’t send much into space. The balance of energy balance is seriously skewed. Temperatures are rising. Sea level rises. the Tornadoes Unleashed.

to me climate scientists, this is a result carbon dioxide emissions (Ko2). But some still doubt. Call the natural variations. so simple ‘climate noise’ Scramble recordings made in a very short time.

Our greenhouse gas emissions are involved

From Princeton University researchers (US), however, today provides new evidence of human influence in Theme. Satellite observations made between 2001 and 2020 show that the energy imbalance on Earth is getting worse. and the climate models that they were able to apply these values, and that there is a less than 1% probability that this trend can be explained by natural variations in the climate system.

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“Since then greenhouse gases (GES) on our site AtmosphereEarth locks up more than the heat in the form of radiation Infrared. But it also emits more into space. Balances. On the other hand, it appears that while we always receive the same amount of energy from the sun, the higher concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has the effect of modifying cloud cover and cloud melting. ice floe. Our Earth is becoming less reflective, explains Shy Priyam Raghuraman in a Princeton University Press Release. We are responsible for all of this. Therefore, it is our duty to carry out important political and societal work to limit our work emissions in GES ».

“This calculation gives us direct evidence that human activities modify the Earth’s energy budget.”

The Earth is relentlessly trying to adjust the flow of energy it receives from the Sun with the flow of energy returning to space. She is looking for a balance in her energy budget. Already, models have suggested that human activities act as disturbances in this system. Today, researchers announced that they have finally come to see firsthand how our activities can tip the scales in the direction of Global Warming.

Article by Natalie Meyer Published on 03/29/2021

If the ground is currently rising, it is because human activities It has caused a disturbance in the climate system. by Radiation effect. At least that’s what scientists tell us. For several years now, this phenomenon has appeared in their models. Today, they were finally able to observe him directly.

For a better understanding, remember that the light our planet receives from the sun is partially reflected off the surface or even from the atmosphere and thus returned to space. The rest helps warm the earth. Then it is re-emitted in turn towards space. But part is being sucked into the atmosphere by clouds and celebrities greenhouse gases. Then he returned to the surface to warm him a little more.

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Knowing this mechanism, the researchers suggested adding greenhouse gases or delete atmospheric dust – that reflects light from the sun – will force the Earth to absorb more energy, and more heat. “For the first time, we have calculated Earth’s total radiative forcing from observations made around the world, taking into account the effects of aerosols and greenhouse gases.Ryan Kramer, a researcher at GSFC, explains that Goddard Space Flight Center (USA), in a NASA press release. This account gives us direct evidence that human activities modify the Earth’s energy budget.”

The share of human activities in the impact

In 1997, Ceres Project Tools (clouds and earth radiant energy system) on board the satellite. Since then, they have measured both the amount of energy entering Earth System and that appears. These data revealed the energy imbalance of our planet.

But to really determine the role of human activities in all of this, according to researchers NASA I have an idea. They first calculated the imbalance caused by all known natural fluctuations accurately and based on appropriate measurements – with respect to water vapor, a potentially “natural” greenhouse gas, for example, and thus relied on the instrument’s measurements Atmosphere (Infrared Atmosphere Probe) on board the satellite Aqua (NASA). Once that number was generated, they subtracted it from the total value given by Ceres. The rest corresponds to anthropogenic influence.

The researchers concluded from their calculations that human activities were responsible for the increase in radiative forcing by about 0.5 W/m.2 Between 2003 and 2018. The increase is mainly due to greenhouse gas emissions. Aerosols seem to have less effect.

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The method used by NASA researchers in the future could allow for near-real-time monitoring — with only a four-year lag, the researchers say — of the radiative forcing and its anthropogenic part. One way to plan how our emissions will affect weather, but also to assess the effectiveness of implemented mitigation measures. To provide more accurate forecasts on weather changes future.

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