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Visa credit cards issued in the UK will not be accepted soon

Visa credit cards issued in the UK will not be accepted soon

Amazon announced on Wednesday that it will not accept payments with Visa credit cards UK From January 19, 2022. The Internet refers to the “higher fees” charged by the American Payments Service.

“As technology advances, these fees will decrease over time, but costs will increase, or increase,” Amazon said in a statement, “wanting to pursue innovations (…) to quickly add and improve payment options. Cheaper and more inclusive.”

The visa agency says it was “very disappointed”

In an email sent to its customers, Amazon It says Visa debit cards or credit cards issued by other companies such as “Mastercard, Amex and Eurocard” may still be used.

For its part, Visa said it was “very disappointed” by Amazon’s decision. “When consumer choice is low, no one succeeds,” the US company said in a statement. “We continue to work to resolve the issue,” Visa added, adding that Visa cardholders will be able to “use their cards on Amazon in the UK without restriction by January 2022”.

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