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What animals should be seen in Australia?

What animals should be seen in Australia?

Australian mammals

Among the island-continent’s iconic animals, we can find Cola, தி Kangaroo, Kwoka or The Wombat. In total, there are more than 140 marsupial species in Australia.

There are also local carnivores. The largest in Australia is the dingo, a wild dog found everywhere except Tasmania.

In contrast, only a small hunt can be observed in Tasmania, which has become very rare: Tasmanian devil.

Do not miss the monotreams either. These are laying mammals. This is especially the caseornithorynque, A semi-aquatic native mammal, recognizable by its duck bill. Or Echidna, a small hedgehog-like animal with a long beak.

Marine mammals are plentiful, as well Whales, தி Dolphins, தி Sharks, தி Seals and sea lions, Where Dugongs.

Birds of Australia

More than 800 bird species have settled on the island. Among them, about 55 species of parrots, with spectacular feathers.

Other spectacular species, the emu, a bird up to 2 m tall, capable of reaching speeds of up to 50 km per hour, but cannot fly. Or cassowary, capable of reaching a height of 1.80 m and is considered the most endangered bird in the world. With sharp nails, he can become very aggressive if he feels threatened.

There are over 200 species of seabirds along the coast. Among them, pelicans and Penguins.

Australian reptile

Australia is also named Snakes Poisonous. It is home to 21 of the world’s 25 deadliest species. Among them, the brown snake, the tiger snake or the desert typhoon.

But the country is still home to strong reptiles: The Crocodiles, And especially sea crocodiles. These animals can be over 5 meters long and are as comfortable in fresh water as they are in seawater.

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More to note, The Sea turtles. Six species are found: the flatback tortoise, the green tortoise, the hawk tortoise, the leatherback tortoise, the lockerhead tortoise and the Olive Ridley tortoise.

Not to mention the many lizards.

Australian fish

Australia offers a unique ecosystem with over 4,000 species of fish. The Great Barrier Reef is a haven for many sea creatures. There are so many exotic fish like the famous clown fish … not to mention the sharks Large white sharks, Tiger sharks and Bulldog Sharks, Or even whale sharks.

Australian spiders

There are several thousand species of spiders in Australia. Animals that can be seen … everywhere, including homes. Like snakes, many of them are particularly dangerous. This is especially the case mygale Australian atrox robustus (“Sydney Funnel-Web Spider”), red-backed black widow or black spider.

Some impressive events also occur when bad weather hits the country. To prevent drowning, type spiders Stifididae Silk threads can be carried by the wind, creating wavesFlying spiders.

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