WhatsApp recently announced temporary voice messaging service, a feature that allows users to send audio recordings that are automatically deleted after listening to them just once. This new feature adds to WhatsApp's functionality to enhance the privacy of its users. Voice messaging, which is very popular on the platform, now benefits from enhanced security, especially when it comes to sharing sensitive information.
Beware of built-in recording tools
The procedure for sending these messages is simple and intuitive. Users simply need to select an option after recording their voice messages. Once heard, these messages disappear permanently, giving them a strong additional guarantee of confidentiality.
” To be consistent with single-play photos and videos, single-play voice messages will be clearly marked with a “Single View” icon and can only be played once“, explains WhatsApp. The messaging system also ensures that these messages are end-to-end encrypted, like all exchanges on the platform.
However, the app recommends sending only single-view photos, videos or voice messages to ” Trusted people “Also remember that there are other ways to record single-view media or a single-listen audio message. For example, recipients can take a photo or video of the single-view media with a camera or other device before it disappears. Then, if the user or recipient Using an Android device, audio and audio messages can be recorded for individual listening using the built-in capture tool.
The launch of read-once voice messages comes on the heels of the launch of ephemeral photos and videos in 2021. The feature has already allowed users to send photos and videos that have been deleted after being viewed. Therefore, WhatsApp has expanded this approach to include voice calling, to meet the needs of its users who seek to share content in a more controlled and secure way.
WhatsApp is owned by Meta, which may put off even the most demanding users when it comes to privacy given Facebook's parent company's terrible reputation in this area. However, we must be aware of the messaging that it is making efforts to gain their trust – a constant focus is on end-to-end encryption, which is part of the app's DNA. By offering these types of tools to control the duration of messages, WhatsApp allows its users to share sensitive information such as banking details or surprise projects, with greater peace of mind.
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