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When the Space Command congratulates the children of the Izards schools in Toulouse

When the Space Command congratulates the children of the Izards schools in Toulouse

Each year in France, about 15,000 university students obtain a Certificate of Initiation of Flight (BIA). In Toulouse, the cradle of Aeropostale and Airbus, this association Un Morceau de Ciel Bleu sows “the seeds of flight” among the neighborhood’s youth and opens the door to aviation and space. Watch at the College of Toulouse-Lautrec as the New Space Command, which has been installed in Toulouse since last year, participated in the project with 17 students. the first.

In the college auditorium of Toulouse-Lautrec, a 1/10 scale model of the CS0 military observation satellite sits at the table. Far out in space, his big brothers are the “eyes of France,” intelligence-wise, while here… This Petit Bouquet looks toward the future: undergraduate students enrolled for the Initiation of Flight Certificate and who they produced in partnership with Saint Exupery High School.

“Working on an image with a technology teacher, they took the dimensions and drew the schematics and then the parts were modeled on a 3D printer,” summarizes this aspect of the project Philippe Le Bris, Head of Piece of Blue Sky and Robin, future engineer at ENAC. Philip asserts: “With their French teacher, they also researched and produced these paintings on the history of human flight, the Earth seen from the sky, and Thomas Bisquet’s first hot air balloons today.” And of course, we can then stick to seeing just the “beautiful year-end fair” culminating the first approach to sky and space. Only here… It’s more and better than that, this little satellite, these texts, these pictures.

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Expand general culture الثقافة

Here ? It is the College of the Izards District. Et ces 17 ados — plus de filles que de garçons — y mettent alors joyeusment à mal les clichés entourant cette cité populaire tandis qu’ils fêtent ce début juin la réussite de leur BIA avec les de comps’ lespaces on commandés All year round. “I’ve seen my daughter progress over the months and figure out what she could do next in aviation or space,” comments this mom. “Yes, it allowed me to expand my general knowledge and not only about balloons, planes and rockets. Meteorology, and the operation of machines, it also fascinated me. After that, it allowed us to deepen the basic topics through tangible achievements,” summarizes Giudice, aged 15, Which was directed to scientific studies and why not “Aero” from now on.

In fact, in terms of learning, BIA also includes recourse to all disciplines of these students, providing a successful bridge from theory to practice, in the record of “Applied Sciences”. Burn French and history to reconstruct concisely and precisely the story of the conquest of air and the universe, to approach English as the international language of aviation, and, of course, for the rest, regarding calculations of areas or model volumes, trajectories, velocity and orbit of real satellites … work on “mathematics, geometry and physics without forgetting geography” ‘, smiles Philippe Le Bris… The effect of this too, BIA. An open door to know the world.

A fortiori when working directly with Space Command and then seizing the opportunity to tackle very tangible everyday topics thanks to military satellite imagery… Here, a container ship blocking the Suez Canal, seen from space? Well, it’s also an issue that can affect national and collective security in this region of the Middle East, the students found. And also the opportunity to see what is observed from space from all angles … The Earth is certainly not flat, even if it means shooting conspirators who can sometimes come across on social networks. Because it is complex, the Earth, though round, is made up of encounters and interactions between humans and their environment.

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Pilot’s dream

“Working with the Air Force was very rewarding. I really loved the space, but it allowed me to immerse myself in it in a real way and on the flight side to get close to the mechanics of flight, how the plane is driven, and its engine,” says Ronan, 14, who sees his future in agriculture, but Agriculture that incorporated “the use of drones, for field surveys, and soil formation.” He said. Tied for the first time with Judis in the final test, Muhammed, 14, was already dreaming of a career as a “civilian pilot.” And BIA, that encourages me, thanks to all The rules that have been approached. Shalli, also 14, will also see herself in the cockpit later.

“Bravo to all,” concludes Presenter Bruno, who came to the opening of their exhibition and who told them his “great pride” to participate in this first exhibition of BIA with the leadership of the space by showing “this opening on the art show”. and the scientific world, in defense and citizenship too.” Collective action, an approach to dealing with international issues that requires “making space safer”: “You will face the challenges of tomorrow,” he reminds them. “By working on the role of our intelligence satellites, it has allowed us to go back to The news again, and made them aware of the facts, what information is reliable, and we found here cultured young men, very alive, with a real appetite for science”, emphasizes Lieutenant Thomas. The intelligence of confidence always gives you wings on take-off. This is also BIA with a piece of blue sky .

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