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When traveling improves mental health

When traveling improves mental health

@ KAL Visuals

A study by Australia’s Edith Cowan University (ECU) has revealed that travel can have a positive impact on people with mental health issues. Travel therapy will be beneficial for everyone.

Menée en collaboration avec le Center for Precision Health et l’école de commerce et de droit de l’université australienne Edith Cowan (ECU), l’étude demontre que le départ en vacances peut avoir un impact positif sur les personnes somes derant de problè Mental health. In general, travel provides a feeling of well-being thanks to several factors.

Discovering new environments and having new experiences can provide cognitive and sensory stimulation. In addition, the practice of physical activity brings additional well-being. Vacations are also more social times, during which meals are fun moments. Fresh air and vitamin D from the sun complement all of these benefits.

“Tourism has been found to improve both physical and psychological well-being. So post-COVID is the time to place tourism in public health – not just for healthy tourists, but also for vulnerable groups.”Says lead author of the study Dr. John Wen.

study A recent publication by the Tourism Promotion Agency of Auvergne Rhone-Alpes showed the benefits of mountains for body and mind, backed by scientific figures.

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