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Why surviving JJ Quebec painted his sword red is not revealed: here it is

Why surviving JJ Quebec painted his sword red is not revealed: here it is

This week in Quebec survivorwe can see that Karen had the honor of painting Jean Jr.’s sword red.

We’ve seen on the show that the candidate was honored to be able to transform the very valuable thing for her ally, but the real reason why JJ accepted the transformation of the precious Excalibur was not said on air.

On the player’s social networks we discover him. In honor of Women’s Day, Jean Junior decided to make this symbolic gesture. Since women were, moreover, in numerical superiority at this moment in the game, the act was all the more important.

Why did the production choose not to give this information to viewers? Perhaps because he didn’t want to set the shooting in a time period, even if we knew or didn’t know that event took place on March 8th doesn’t change much in the story…

Remember that since the beginning of the season, Jean Jr. has been a victim of rumors on social networks. He also talked about something like this on Instagram.

Also note that some of JJ’s remarks annoyed Sanju while he was watching the episodes. Learn more here.

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