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Windows 11 PC is not supported, a watermark denouncing it appears on the desktop

Windows 11 PC is not supported, a watermark denouncing it appears on the desktop

We talked about it and now it’s official. Microsoft has decided to point the finger at Windows 11 PCs that don’t meet the minimum hardware requirements.

Many users are victims of a certain message on the Windows 11 desktop. It is a notification in the form of a watermark like the one used when Windows is not activated. At the bottom of the screen on the right is the PC does not meet the requirements for Windows 11. The message is

System requirements are not met. Go to Settings to learn more »

It appeared after installing the latest cumulative updates. They are published on a Tuesday in February 2023.

The Windows installer is usually designed to prevent Windows 11 from being installed on computers that don’t meet the minimum system requirements, especially with regards to the TPM module. However, there are ways to circumvent the hardware requirements check. The goal is to force the installation on unsupported devices.

Microsoft decided to check, using Tuesday’s update, whether Windows 11 is running on an eligible device. Otherwise, a watermark appears. The good news is that there is no effect on the functionality of the operating system. It seems to work as expected.

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