Norwegian rescuers announced, on Wednesday, that a Russian, who was on board a scientific ship stuck in the Arctic ice...
"A solitary, selfish man who admires himself in a mirror is no leader. So now we have suitors all around...
An Italian fisherman fought a battle of strength and endurance against a giant fish 2.85 meters high, which could set...
What was supposed to be the devastation caused by two smokers exploding, ended badly in Springdale, Pennsylvania, last Friday. If...
Robert Hansen, a former FBI agent who became one of the most famous spies in American history, was found dead...
(WASHINGTON) Can the formula “TRUMP TOO SMALL,” which translates to “Trump is too small” and has a strong sexual connotation...
Russian authorities said that several Russian radio stations, victims of "hacking", broadcast on Monday a false speech by President Vladimir...
Severe heart attacks can occur on any occasion, but are most likely to occur on a Monday, an Irish study...
A federal judge appointed by Donald Trump annul - rescind Tennessee Friday night statute criminalizes certain drag queen performances in...
Today, Sunday, Egypt deployed three locomotives to tow an oil tanker that broke down in the Suez Canal, announced the...