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Xi Jinping endangers the world

Xi Jinping endangers the world

Once again, Xi Jinping’s government threatens the entire world. We will remember that the Xi government initially concealed the arrival of a new virus, COVID-19, and then this government lied by claiming that the virus is not transmitted by air.

This time, the Chinese government lifts all measures to contain the novel coronavirus almost at once, just before the Chinese New Year holiday.

The problem isn’t that the Chinese government is lifting the measures: they’re rendered ineffective by the Omicron variant. The problem is that this government still lacks an effective vaccination policy and has decided to allow the movement of Chinese people across China and around the world.

So China will become a giant petri vase in which COVID-19 risks mutating in a dangerous way.

Worse, the Chinese government has stopped sequencing new COVID-19 mutations in China. No one will know in advance if the virus has mutated in China. We risk realizing this too late, when the new mutations have left the borders of China.

There is no doubt that the XI government wanted to avoid new mutations officially linked to China …

What should have been done

Before lifting containment measures, the Chinese government should have implemented a national vaccination campaign with effective vaccines, that is, vaccines developed by Western companies.

But now, on nationalist grounds, Xi’s government refuses to use RNA vaccines developed by Western companies. It asks for technology transfer terms that these companies do not accept.

Unfortunately, the vaccine developed by Chinese companies is generally not effective, or even completely ineffective against new variants of COVID-19.

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Chinese refugees

Now, more and more Chinese are so disgusted with Xi’s government that they are seeking refugee status outside of China.

Recently, a BBC report indicated that in the past six months, more than 1,200 Chinese have applied for refugee status at the US-Mexico border. Unheard of in decades. These Chinese pass through Ecuador, one of the few countries that do not require visas for the Chinese, and then cross the Amazon jungle to reach the United States.

Many Chinese are likely to take advantage of their tourist visa to seek refuge around the world, especially in Canada.

As usual, our good Canadian government is lagging behind. Instead of requiring COVID-19 tests for Chinese travelers, as many countries are now doing, he hesitates. But is Justin Trudeau prepared to receive waves of Chinese refugees? Yes, of course.

The Trudeau government’s stupid credulity internationally is more startling than ever.