WhatsApp regularly drops support for very old smartphones. On September 1st, a new wave of devices will no longer be compatible with introductory messaging. More specifically, these are smartphones running Android 4.0.1, as well as some iPhones. Find the full list in this article.
The popularity of WhatsApp can no longer be proven. Whether you use it regularly or not, the app is likely to be installed on your smartphone, even if you have a newer or older smartphone. However, if you find yourself in the latter case, it is best to check which operating system it is running on. In fact, you may soon not be able to use WhatsApp.
It often happens that the app is no longer compatible with old smartphones. Some waves are bigger than others, but the sentence is always the same: support ends, forcing users to upgrade to a newer device to continue chatting. Hence the next wave of its part will occur September 1, 2023.
Related – WhatsApp will make it easy to create groups, without having to name them anymore
List of smartphones that will no longer be compatible with WhatsApp as of September 1, 2023
This time, the limit is onAndroid 4.0.1 And the’internal control Department 12 for iPhone. If your smartphone is running on one of its operating systems, you will no longer be able to use WhatsApp. We have prepared for you a complete list of affected smartphones, which you can refer to below:
- iPhoneSE
- iPhone 6s
- iPhone 6s Plus
- Galaxy S3 mini
- Galaxy Trend Lite
- Galaxy Trend II
- Dz climbs
- Ascend G74
- height matte
- LG embarks
- Optimus F3
- Optimus F3Q
- Optimus F5
- Optimus F6
- Optimus F7
- Optimus L2 II
- Optimus L3 II
- Optimus L3 II Dual
- Optimus L4 II
- Optimus L4 II Dual
- Optimus L5 II
- Optimus L5 II Dual
- Optimus L7 II
- Optimus L7 II Dual
other smart phones
- Archos 53 Platium
- Caterpillar Cat B15
- fi f1
- HTC Desire 500
- Lenovo A820
- thl w8
- Umi X2
- wiko sync five
- Wiko Dark Knight
- Sony Xperia m
- ZTE Grand S Flex
- Zte grand x quad v987
- ZTE V956
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